On the occasion we bring you two sites which provide facility to send free sms all over the country. Send free SMS via www.way2sms.com and www.fullonsms.com. The sites mentioned here provides free SMS sending option once you activate a/c by verifying your mobile no.
Below we have compiled a list of some SMS for your convenience:-
“Frenshp is inexpresble comfort of feelng safe vth person cos u neithr hav 2 weigh ur thots nor measure ur words.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY”
“A true fren is som1 who thinks that u r a gud egg even though he knows that u r slightly cracked – HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY”
“Each fren represents a world in us,a world possibly nt born until they arrive n its 1ly by dis meetng dat new world is born HPY FRNDAY DAY”.
Check out more sms, quotes, poems etc. from a website namedhttp://www.friendshipday.org which is specially dedicated to friends around the world.
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